Geek Out with Us on Geek Pride Day!

Posted by Jamie M., Book Specialist on May 15th 2017

Hear ye, hear ye! Geek Pride Day is on May 25th!

But why this date? Why geeks? Read on to find out.

A geek (/ɡēk/) is defined as “an expert, enthusiast, or person obsessed with a hobby or intellectual pursuit; a peculiar person who is perceived to be overly intellectual, unfashionable, and socially awkward”.


Nowadays, being a geek isn’t as bad as it used to be. 

With the rise of Internet and social media culture, geeks have, for lack of a better phrase, begun to inherit the Earth. Geek and nerd culture has become more mainstream over the years, dissolving the stereotype of the math/science geek with the pocket-protector, and introducing us to a new, chic geek full of pride for all things nerdy and unafraid to be true to who they are.

Here at the Bulk Bookstore, we know that one fact will stand the test of time – geeks love to read.

The Many Mysteries of May 25th

There are a few reasons as to why Geek Pride Day takes place on May 25th. Here’s a quick list!

1. The first Star Wars film, Episode IV: A New Hope, was released on May 25, 1977. What date could be better to celebrate geekdom than the original release date of the first Star Wars movie?

2. Douglas Adams’ infamous comedy/sci-fi novel Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy inspired Towel Day, also taking place on May 25th, where fans celebrate by carrying a towel in honor of the series and Douglas Adams, who passed away in 2001.

3. May 25th is a significant date in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, where there is a holiday called Glorious 25 May within the novel where surviving characters honor those lost to war by wearing lilac.


Geek Pride Day originated in Spain in 2006 and got global attention via the Internet, staying true to geek nature. In fact, in Madrid, over 300 geeks gathered to demonstrate their pride by playing a game of human Pac-Man and even penning a manifesto which outlined “the basic rights and responsibilities of geeks”.

By 2008, Geek Pride Day had officially hit the U.S. and one year later, the Science Channel was running special programming to celebrate. Since then, this holiday has continued to spread like wildfire, sparking events and festivals all over the world.

Just goes to show…geeks get things done!

Happy Geek Pride Day to all our fellow geeks out there!