The Benefits of Smiling!

Posted by Jamie M., Book Specialist on May 22nd 2017

"Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you'll start to see a big difference in your life." - Yoko Ono

Here's a riddle for you: What is the one secret superpower that we all possess?


The Answer: A smile!

The key to a less stressful and more fulfilling life, smiling has been proven to have a variety of positive effects on the body and mind. Here at the Bulk Bookstore, we recognize the difference that one smile can make and celebrate smiling daily. If you haven't noticed, even our logo is smiling!

With benefits ranging from health and wellness to confidence and even are our Top Ten Reasons to Smile More:

1. Smiling = Stress Reducer 

Many studies have shown that a simple smile can act as a very powerful stress reducer! It’s been proven that those who smile and laugh often have a lower heart rate and quicker stress recovery. So, the next time you find yourself stressed, simply crack a smile!

2. Improve Your Mood

Having a bad day? Stop the sadness with a smile! Smiling activates endorphins – chemicals in the brain that make you happier, the same chemicals that are released when you exercise. Who needs a ‘runner’s high’ when you’ve got that stellar smile?

3. Body Benefits

Not only does smiling release endorphins, it reduces levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) in the body, making you feel at ease and less stressed. This reaction can also give you a quick boost of energy! 

4. Grin & Bear it

Even forcing a genuine smile can calm you down! Just getting your muscles to move into a smile will increase endorphins and decrease cortisol, relaxing your body and mind. Reap the benefits of a gleeful grin, even if you have to fake it ‘till you make it!

5. Positively Perceived

Who would you rather have a conversation with: someone who's frowning or someone who's smiling? It’s as simple as that. Smiling makes a person seem more approachable, trustworthy, and capable to others. The next time you have to give a presentation or make an intimidating phone call, slap on your best smile – it will make a difference, and you’ll be perceived in a more positive light by peers.

6. Pass It On

Did you know that smiling is contagious? Seriously! Seeing someone else smiling activates the area of your brain that controls your facial movements. When you see a smile appear on someone’s face, your brain automatically mirrors it. Studies show that, when smiled at, 50% of people smile back!

7. Increased Attractiveness

Believe it or not, a simple smile can make you appear more attractive to those around you! In a study of attractiveness in smiling vs. non-smiling, those who were smiling were perceived as more physically attractive than those who had a neutral expression or frown. 

8. Break the Cycle

We all get stuck in patterns of negative thinking that are difficult to break. By smiling more, you’re breaking the cycle that causes your brain to think negatively. Smile more often, and you’ll find yourself thinking on a more positive track as your brain rewires itself to follow these positive patterns!

9. Boost That Immune System

Smiling is the best form of medicine there is! When you smile, you make your body stronger by producing white blood cells – cells that help to fight illness/disease. 

One study found that hospitalized children who smiled and laughed when visited by entertainers during treatment had higher white blood cell counts than children who were not engaged by entertainers. Incredible!

10. Free For All

The best part about smiling? It doesn’t cost a thing. You can experience all of these mind-blowing benefits each and every day, just by turning that frown upside-down. 

So, get out there and get smiling! We’ll be right there with you, grinning from ear to ear!