Bulk Books at Wholesale Prices
for Teachers

Free Shipping. 3 Million Titles.

Brand New. Never Used.

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Order minimums: $100 / 25 copies per title

Bulk Books at Wholesale
Prices for Teachers

Free Shipping.
3 Million Titles.

Brand New.
Never Used.

Order minimums:
$100 / 25 copies per title
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75,000+ Customers Served
22,000+ Rave Reviews

Our Customers Say It Best!

Lucy H.
“Our books are delivered in full, on time and you can't beat their prices. Buying from Bulk Bookstore has been such a relief compared to other suppliers we've order from in the past.”
- Lucy H. Literacy Mid-South; Memphis, TN
Bobby J.
“Bulk Bookstore gets an A+! Their service is awesome and they deliver on-time, which is important when classroom materials are needed.”
- Bobby J. Ouachita Parish School Board; West Monroe, LA

Get Ready To Be Wowed!


Lowest Prices, Guaranteed

We believe that when you buy more,
you should pay less.
Our Price Match Guarantee says it all.

Free Shipping

Never pay for ground shipping, ever.
Orders deliver in 4-10 business days.

Helpful Humans

Our Book Specialists are
experienced and responsive.
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Low Minimums

Our minimums are low to
accommodate our specific customers.
25 copies per title. $100 per order.

3,000,000+ Titles

Our online catalog includes
thousands of book titles and
we have access to millions more.

Payments Made Easy

Pay online with a purchase order,
credit card, PayPal, or check.
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Our Team Is Your Team

Devon Wright
Devon Wright
Sales Manager
Whether she's teaching yoga, dancing, hula hooping or exploring nature, Devon brings a joyful spirit and openness to everything she does. Helping our customers support literacy, education and personal growth through books fits Devon like a glove.
Mike Williams
Mike Williams
Sales Director
As a founder of Bulk Bookstore, Mike's passionate leadership continues to drive our success. In fact, passion extends to everything he does... from swinging a golf club to rooting for his favorite team to working tirelessly to do whatever it takes to earn a customer's loyalty. Our team counts on Mike, and you can too.
Kelsey Pargeter
Kelsey Pargeter
Customer Experience
You're in the best possible hands with Kelsey! Kelsey's radiant smile and magnetic personality brighten every room she enters and everyone's day who is lucky enough to interact with her. If you're lucky, in addition to great customer service, Kelsey may even sing you a song.

Everything You Need
to Know About Us...
in Just 90 Seconds!


Teachers love us! If you are a teacher and want to purchase 25 copies or more of any currently published books for your classroom, then you have come to the best possible place! We are passionate about reading and we will do whatever it takes to get books into the hands of school-age children. To accomplish this, we offer children's books, books for middle and high school, as well as classroom sets of classic novels and popular fiction all at wholesale prices and with free ground shipping. And all orders are backed by our price-match guarantee, which give confidence to teachers when buying books in bulk that they never spend more than they have to.

We have it all! From bestselling authors to popular book series, award-winning novels, current movie tie-ins, graphic novels, poetry and more, we have more than 3 million bulk books for teachers available. Whether you are looking for leveled reading books, juvenile fiction, non-fiction (informational texts), or even Dr. Seuss, you can be sure that buying books in bulk for teachers is easy and affordable.

At Bulk Bookstore we are happy to accept credit card payment and school purchase orders. Do you have a large list of titles that you'd like us to price out for you? Just call one of our friendly Book Specialists today at 877-855-5956. If you are buying books in bulk for teachers, our goal is for you to Save, Smile and Repeat and we promise to be here for you every day to make this happen.