How to Save Time, Energy & Money Buying Books
Posted by Michelle Dempsey, Book Specialist on Mar 3rd 2016
A Tale of Time, Energy, & Money – And How to Save All Three
If you’re anything like me, buying in bulk not only saves you a huge amount of time and energy, it gives you the security of knowing you’re well-stocked in whatever you little heart desires, and most importantly…
And who doesn’t love saving money? Whether you’re one person or responsible for a large corporation, you’re likely pressed for time and have more to do in your day than you have time for. You’re either spending your own money or someone else’s, and regardless who is writing the checks, cost always needs to be kept to a minimum.
There’s a reason why Costco is packed to the gills on a Saturday (and my pantry is stocked with a 3-months’ supply of Cheerios.) There’s a reason why bottles of water are sold in pallets of 50.
There’s a reason why the Bulk Bookstore is a leader in the sale of bulk books.
Looking to increase momentum, improve productivity, or boost morale in the work place? Businesses around the country are jumping on the book band wagon, and turning to thought-provoking and inspiring reads to take things up a notch on the employee-front. Knowledge is power as they say, and if the people selling your brand know more about the business they are in, it’s a win/win for everybody involved.
This same concept also applies itself to the place where learning begins – in schools! As a former teacher, there was nothing more gratifying than receiving a bulk book delivery in my classroom, and there is a very simple reason behind it: If you are in the business of education and feel passionate enough about a particular book to introduce it to class full of your readers, books automatically transform into chocolate chip cookies – you can’t have just one. Each student will want to get their hands on this new read, and once each child is immersed in their own copy of the text – your options for differentiation and meeting standards-based requirements are endless. Try to do this with only one book, and, as I’m sure you know, you’re not getting very far.
The moral here? Books in bulk are driving business, boosting educational opportunities, all while saving you the big three: Time, Energy, & Money.
Ready to purchase the next bestselling read in bulk? We are happy to help. Connect with one of our friendly Book Specialists via live chat, call us at (877) 855-5956, or submit a bulk book quote request today!