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Newly published paperback books in bulk are a popular choice for many of our customers, including schools, businesses, religious organizations, and non-profits. Since paperback books are more affordable than hardcovers, they are ordered more often in larger quantities.
Book retailers, like Amazon, typically offer one price regardless of the quantity purchased. At Bulk Bookstore the more copies you buy of any title the lower price you pay per book. Find out why thousands choose Bulk Bookstore over Amazon for bulk book orders.
Paperback books typically come in two formats, mass-market paperbacks and trade paperbacks. We offer both of these formats at Bulk Bookstore. Mass market paperbacks are lighter and more affordably priced then trade paperbacks, which are typically a little larger and higher priced. Regardless of the format, you are sure to always pay less for paperback books in bulk then their hardcover counterparts.
Paperback books are a popular choice for schools. Our price-match guarantee gives confidence to teachers as well as school and district buyers that they will always receive the lowest possible prices when they buy 25 copies or more of any title. Schools, as well as businesses, also appreciate our acceptance of purchase orders and offer of credit terms (based on approved credit).
We want anyone looking to purchase bulk books to Save, Smile and Repeat. We encourage you to shop our site, or contact one of our friendly Book Specialists at 877-855-5956. We look forward to working with you.