Choose Options Actium 31 BC (Downfall of Antony and Cleopatra) Paperback ISBN: 9781846034053 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Spartacus and the Slave War 73-71 BC (A gladiator rebels against Rome) Paperback ISBN: 9781846033537 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Late Roman Infantryman AD 236-565 Paperback ISBN: 9781855324190 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Germanic Warrior AD 236-568 Paperback ISBN: 9781855325869 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Ancient Greek Warship (500-322 BC) Paperback ISBN: 9781846030741 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Roman Soldier vs Germanic Warrior (1st Century AD) Paperback ISBN: 9781472803498 List Price: $22.00 As low as: $11.22
Choose Options Imperial Chinese Armies (1) (200 BC-AD 589) Paperback ISBN: 9781855325142 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Republican Roman Army 200-104 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781855325982 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Ancient Siege Warfare (Persians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans 546-146 BC) Paperback ISBN: 9781841767703 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Auxiliary Cavalryman (AD 14-193) Paperback ISBN: 9781841769738 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Legionary Fortresses 27 BC-AD 378 Paperback ISBN: 9781841768953 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options The Forts of Celtic Britain Paperback ISBN: 9781846030642 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Granicus 334 BC (Alexander's First Persian Victory) Paperback ISBN: 9781846030994 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Roman Military Clothing (1) (100 BC-AD 200) Paperback ISBN: 9781841764870 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Hadrian's Wall AD 122-410 Paperback ISBN: 9781841764306 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC-AD 1300 Paperback ISBN: 9781841768090 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Rome's Northern Frontier AD 70-235 (Beyond Hadrian's Wall) Paperback ISBN: 9781841768328 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Thermopylae 480 BC (Last stand of the 300) Paperback ISBN: 9781841761800 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Cannae 216 BC (Hannibal smashes Rome's Army) Paperback ISBN: 9781855324701 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161-284 Paperback ISBN: 9781841766010 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Siege Warfare in the Roman World (146 BC-AD 378) Paperback ISBN: 9781841767826 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Bronze Age War Chariots Paperback ISBN: 9781841769448 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781846032073 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Battle Tactics 390-110 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781846033827 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781855328679 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Celtic Warrior (300 BC-AD 100) Paperback ISBN: 9781841761435 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Battle Tactics 109BC-AD313 Paperback ISBN: 9781846031847 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options The Roman Army (The Greatest War Machine of the Ancient World) Paperback ISBN: 9781849088138 List Price: $27.00 As low as: $13.77
Choose Options Of Gods and Mortals (Mythological Wargame Rules) Paperback ISBN: 9781780968490 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Alexander the Great (The Brief Life and Towering Exploits of History's Greatest Conqueror) Paperback ISBN: 9780142001400 List Price: $24.00 As low as: $12.24
Choose Options The Landmark Xenophon's Hellenika Paperback ISBN: 9781400034765 List Price: $36.00 As low as: $18.36
Choose Options War and Peace and War (The Rise and Fall of Empires) Paperback ISBN: 9780452288195 List Price: $18.00 As low as: $9.18
Choose Options Gladiatrix (The True Story of History's Unknown Woman Warrior) Paperback ISBN: 9780425186107 List Price: $24.00 As low as: $12.24
Choose Options Catiline's War, The Jurgurthine War, Histories Paperback ISBN: 9780140449488 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
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Choose Options The Secret Traditions of the Shinobi (Hattori Hanzo's Shinobi Hiden and Other Ninja Scrolls) Paperback ISBN: 9781583944356 List Price: $18.95 As low as: $9.66
Choose Options The Landmark Arrian (The Campaigns of Alexander) Paperback ISBN: 9781400079674 List Price: $30.00 As low as: $15.30
Choose Options Thermopylae (The Battle That Changed the World) Paperback ISBN: 9781400079186 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
Choose Options Rubicon (The Last Years of the Roman Republic) Paperback ISBN: 9781400078974 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options The Spartans (The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece) Paperback ISBN: 9781400078851 List Price: $18.00 As low as: $9.18
Choose Options The Nature of Alexander Paperback ISBN: 9780394738253 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
Choose Options Rome and Jerusalem (The Clash of Ancient Civilizations) Paperback ISBN: 9780375726132 List Price: $24.00 As low as: $12.24
Choose Options Actium 31 BC (Downfall of Antony and Cleopatra) Paperback ISBN: 9781846034053 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Spartacus and the Slave War 73-71 BC (A gladiator rebels against Rome) Paperback ISBN: 9781846033537 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Late Roman Infantryman AD 236-565 Paperback ISBN: 9781855324190 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Germanic Warrior AD 236-568 Paperback ISBN: 9781855325869 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Ancient Greek Warship (500-322 BC) Paperback ISBN: 9781846030741 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Roman Soldier vs Germanic Warrior (1st Century AD) Paperback ISBN: 9781472803498 List Price: $22.00 As low as: $11.22
Choose Options Imperial Chinese Armies (1) (200 BC-AD 589) Paperback ISBN: 9781855325142 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Republican Roman Army 200-104 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781855325982 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Ancient Siege Warfare (Persians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans 546-146 BC) Paperback ISBN: 9781841767703 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Auxiliary Cavalryman (AD 14-193) Paperback ISBN: 9781841769738 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Legionary Fortresses 27 BC-AD 378 Paperback ISBN: 9781841768953 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options The Forts of Celtic Britain Paperback ISBN: 9781846030642 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Granicus 334 BC (Alexander's First Persian Victory) Paperback ISBN: 9781846030994 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Roman Military Clothing (1) (100 BC-AD 200) Paperback ISBN: 9781841764870 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Hadrian's Wall AD 122-410 Paperback ISBN: 9781841764306 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC-AD 1300 Paperback ISBN: 9781841768090 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Rome's Northern Frontier AD 70-235 (Beyond Hadrian's Wall) Paperback ISBN: 9781841768328 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Thermopylae 480 BC (Last stand of the 300) Paperback ISBN: 9781841761800 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Cannae 216 BC (Hannibal smashes Rome's Army) Paperback ISBN: 9781855324701 List Price: $25.00 As low as: $12.75
Choose Options Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161-284 Paperback ISBN: 9781841766010 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Siege Warfare in the Roman World (146 BC-AD 378) Paperback ISBN: 9781841767826 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Bronze Age War Chariots Paperback ISBN: 9781841769448 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781846032073 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Battle Tactics 390-110 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781846033827 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC Paperback ISBN: 9781855328679 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Celtic Warrior (300 BC-AD 100) Paperback ISBN: 9781841761435 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options Roman Battle Tactics 109BC-AD313 Paperback ISBN: 9781846031847 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options The Roman Army (The Greatest War Machine of the Ancient World) Paperback ISBN: 9781849088138 List Price: $27.00 As low as: $13.77
Choose Options Of Gods and Mortals (Mythological Wargame Rules) Paperback ISBN: 9781780968490 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options Alexander the Great (The Brief Life and Towering Exploits of History's Greatest Conqueror) Paperback ISBN: 9780142001400 List Price: $24.00 As low as: $12.24
Choose Options The Landmark Xenophon's Hellenika Paperback ISBN: 9781400034765 List Price: $36.00 As low as: $18.36
Choose Options War and Peace and War (The Rise and Fall of Empires) Paperback ISBN: 9780452288195 List Price: $18.00 As low as: $9.18
Choose Options Gladiatrix (The True Story of History's Unknown Woman Warrior) Paperback ISBN: 9780425186107 List Price: $24.00 As low as: $12.24
Choose Options Catiline's War, The Jurgurthine War, Histories Paperback ISBN: 9780140449488 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
Choose Options The History of Alexander Paperback ISBN: 9780140444124 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
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Choose Options The War with Hannibal (Books XXI-XXX of The History of Rome from Its Foundation) Paperback ISBN: 9780140441451 List Price: $19.00 As low as: $9.50
Choose Options The Rise and Fall of Athens (Nine Greek Lives) Paperback ISBN: 9780140441024 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
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Choose Options The History of the Peloponnesian War (Revised Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9780140440393 List Price: $20.00 As low as: $10.20
Choose Options The Secret Traditions of the Shinobi (Hattori Hanzo's Shinobi Hiden and Other Ninja Scrolls) Paperback ISBN: 9781583944356 List Price: $18.95 As low as: $9.66
Choose Options The Landmark Arrian (The Campaigns of Alexander) Paperback ISBN: 9781400079674 List Price: $30.00 As low as: $15.30
Choose Options Thermopylae (The Battle That Changed the World) Paperback ISBN: 9781400079186 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
Choose Options Rubicon (The Last Years of the Roman Republic) Paperback ISBN: 9781400078974 List Price: $21.00 As low as: $10.71
Choose Options The Spartans (The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece) Paperback ISBN: 9781400078851 List Price: $18.00 As low as: $9.18
Choose Options The Nature of Alexander Paperback ISBN: 9780394738253 List Price: $17.00 As low as: $8.67
Choose Options Rome and Jerusalem (The Clash of Ancient Civilizations) Paperback ISBN: 9780375726132 List Price: $24.00 As low as: $12.24