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Choose Options Conserving Data in the Conservation Reserve (How A Regulatory Program Runs on Imperfect Information) Paperback ISBN: 9781933115818 List Price: $19.95 As low as: $17.56
Choose Options The Complex Forest (Communities, Uncertainty, and Adaptive Collaborative Management) Paperback ISBN: 9781933115139 List Price: $62.99 As low as: $55.43
Choose Options Climate Change Economics and Policy (An RFF Anthology) Paperback ISBN: 9781891853043 List Price: $56.99 As low as: $50.15
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Choose Options The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Reconciling Trade in Biotechnology with Environment and Development) Paperback ISBN: 9781853838408 List Price: $48.95 As low as: $43.08
Choose Options Authenticity in Nature (Making Choices about the Naturalness of Ecosystems) Paperback ISBN: 9781844078363 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Choose Options Arizona Water Policy (Management Innovations in an Urbanizing, Arid Region) Paperback ISBN: 9781933115351 List Price: $65.99 As low as: $58.07
Choose Options Alternating Currents (Electricity Markets and Public Policy) Paperback ISBN: 9781891853074 List Price: $63.99 As low as: $56.31
Choose Options Agricultural Expansion and Tropical Deforestation (International Trade, Poverty and Land Use) Paperback ISBN: 9781853836657 List Price: $26.99 As low as: $23.75
Choose Options Adaptive Governance and Water Conflict (New Institutions for Collaborative Planning) Paperback ISBN: 9781933115191 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Choose Options Acid Rain in Europe (Counting the cost) Paperback ISBN: 9781853834431 List Price: $36.95 As low as: $32.52
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Choose Options The World Food Situation (Resource and Environmental Issues in the Developing Countries and The United States) Paperback ISBN: 9781138944626 List Price: $49.99 As low as: $43.99
Choose Options The World Aluminum Industry in a Changing Energy Era Paperback ISBN: 9781138948068 List Price: $58.99 As low as: $51.91
Choose Options Water Pollution (Economics Aspects and Research Needs) Paperback ISBN: 9781138935679 List Price: $51.99 As low as: $45.75
Choose Options Waterfowl and Wetlands (Toward Bioeconomic Analysis) Paperback ISBN: 9781138963023 List Price: $44.99 As low as: $39.59
Choose Options Water for Western Agriculture Paperback ISBN: 9781138962279 List Price: $44.99 As low as: $39.59
Choose Options Vital Signs 1997-1998 (The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future) Paperback ISBN: 9781853834806 List Price: $49.99 As low as: $43.99
Choose Options U.S.-Japanese Agricultural Trade Relations Paperback ISBN: 9781138944336 List Price: $51.99 As low as: $45.75
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Choose Options The Therapeutic Nightmare (The battle over the world's most controversial sleeping pill) Paperback ISBN: 9781853836503 List Price: $29.99 As low as: $26.39
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