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Choose Options Why Human Security Matters (Rethinking Australian foreign policy) Paperback ISBN: 9781743312025 List Price: $53.99 As low as: $47.51
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Choose Options Manufactured Exports of East Asian Industrializing Economies and Possible Regional Cooperation Paperback ISBN: 9781563244629 List Price: $66.99 As low as: $58.95
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Choose Options Leader-Managers in the Public Sector (Managing for Results) Paperback ISBN: 9780765621429 List Price: $39.99 As low as: $35.19
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Choose Options Georgia Diary: A Chronicle of War and Political Chaos in the Post-Soviet Caucasus (A Chronicle of War and Political Chaos in the Post-Soviet Caucasus) Paperback ISBN: 9780765617118 List Price: $67.99 As low as: $59.83
Choose Options The G8-G20 Relationship in Global Governance Paperback ISBN: 9781138361188 List Price: $50.99 As low as: $44.87
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Choose Options Foreign Aid and Economic Growth (A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation) Paperback ISBN: 9780367075040 List Price: $28.95 As low as: $25.48
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Choose Options Development Postponed (The Political Economy of Central America in the 1980s) Paperback ISBN: 9780367160494 List Price: $36.99 As low as: $32.55
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Choose Options Budgeting, Auditing, and Evaluation (Functions and Integration in Seven Governments) Paperback ISBN: 9780765807243 List Price: $38.95 As low as: $34.28
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Choose Options Why Human Security Matters (Rethinking Australian foreign policy) Paperback ISBN: 9781743312025 List Price: $53.99 As low as: $47.51
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