Choose Options Work: Marxist and Systems-Theoretical Approaches - 9780367728779 Paperback ISBN: 9780367728779 List Price: $58.00 As low as: $51.04
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Choose Options Social and Ethnic Inequalities in the Cypriot Education System (A Critical Realist View on Empowerment) Paperback ISBN: 9780367727994 List Price: $55.00 As low as: $48.40
Choose Options Sharing Mobilities (Questioning Our Right to the City in the Collaborative Economy) Hardcover ISBN: 9780367192426 List Price: $66.99 As low as: $58.95
Choose Options Risk Communication and Community Resilience Paperback ISBN: 9780367728137 List Price: $55.99 As low as: $49.27
Choose Options The Politics of Uncertainty (Challenges of Transformation) Paperback ISBN: 9780367903350 List Price: $45.00 As low as: $39.60
Choose Options A Politics of Disgust (Selfhood, World-Making, and Ethics) Paperback ISBN: 9780367727031 List Price: $55.99 As low as: $49.27
Choose Options Patterns of Labour (Work and Social Change in the Pottery Industry) Hardcover ISBN: 9780367026271 List Price: $61.99 As low as: $54.55
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Choose Options Teaching Under Attack - 9780415792516 Hardcover ISBN: 9780415792516 List Price: $96.99 As low as: $85.35
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Choose Options Building Agricultural Institutions (Transferring The Land-grant Model To India And Nigeria) - 9780367165826 Paperback ISBN: 9780367165826 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Agribusiness And The Small-scale Farmer (A Dynamic Partnership For Development) - 9780367155827 Paperback ISBN: 9780367155827 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Urban Medical Centers (Balancing Academic And Patient Care Functions) Paperback ISBN: 9780367215422 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
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Choose Options Unemployment (The European Perspective) - 9780367027360 Paperback ISBN: 9780367027360 List Price: $29.95 As low as: $26.36
Choose Options Understanding the Primary School (A Sociological Analysis) Paperback ISBN: 9781138222762 List Price: $48.95 As low as: $43.08
Choose Options The Third Job (Employed Couples' Management of Household Work Contradictions) Paperback ISBN: 9781138367012 List Price: $44.95 As low as: $39.56
Choose Options Teaching Under Attack Paperback ISBN: 9780415792523 List Price: $32.95 As low as: $29.00
Choose Options Teachers and Classes (A Marxist analysis) Paperback ISBN: 9781138222618 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
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Choose Options Production and Cost Functions (Specification, Measurement and Applications) Hardcover ISBN: 9781138716292 List Price: $91.99 As low as: $80.95
Choose Options The Practice of Teaching (A Sociology of Education) Paperback ISBN: 9781138244542 List Price: $49.95 As low as: $43.96
Choose Options The Parochialism of the Present (Contemporary issues in education) Paperback ISBN: 9781138220287 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options Lived Economies of Default (Consumer Credit, Debt Collection and the Capture of Affect) Paperback ISBN: 9780367867225 List Price: $57.99 As low as: $51.03
Choose Options Life in the Classroom and Playground (The Accounts of Primary School Children) Paperback ISBN: 9781138220928 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options Labour Migration (The Internal Geographical Mobility of Labour in the Developed World) - 9780367026233 Paperback ISBN: 9780367026233 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Choose Options Inequality in the Workplace (Underemployment among Mexicans, African Americans, and Whites) - 9780367023836 Paperback ISBN: 9780367023836 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Choose Options Industrialisation, Employment and Income Distribution (A Case Study of Hong Kong) - 9780367086503 Paperback ISBN: 9780367086503 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Choose Options The Impact of Trade on United States Employment - 9780367023683 Paperback ISBN: 9780367023683 List Price: $29.95 As low as: $26.36
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Choose Options An Equal Chance (Equalities and inequalities of educational opportunity) Paperback ISBN: 9781138222366 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options Work: Marxist and Systems-Theoretical Approaches - 9780367728779 Paperback ISBN: 9780367728779 List Price: $58.00 As low as: $51.04
Choose Options Trans Youth in Education Paperback ISBN: 9780367729813 List Price: $52.95 As low as: $46.60
Choose Options Trade Unions and European Integration (A Question of Optimism and Pessimism?) Paperback ISBN: 9780367728168 List Price: $55.99 As low as: $49.27
Choose Options Social and Ethnic Inequalities in the Cypriot Education System (A Critical Realist View on Empowerment) Paperback ISBN: 9780367727994 List Price: $55.00 As low as: $48.40
Choose Options Sharing Mobilities (Questioning Our Right to the City in the Collaborative Economy) Hardcover ISBN: 9780367192426 List Price: $66.99 As low as: $58.95
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Choose Options The Politics of Uncertainty (Challenges of Transformation) Paperback ISBN: 9780367903350 List Price: $45.00 As low as: $39.60
Choose Options A Politics of Disgust (Selfhood, World-Making, and Ethics) Paperback ISBN: 9780367727031 List Price: $55.99 As low as: $49.27
Choose Options Patterns of Labour (Work and Social Change in the Pottery Industry) Hardcover ISBN: 9780367026271 List Price: $61.99 As low as: $54.55
Choose Options Globalization, Uncertainty and Youth in Society (The Losers in a Globalizing World) Paperback ISBN: 9780415482073 List Price: $60.99 As low as: $53.67
Choose Options Teaching Under Attack - 9780415792516 Hardcover ISBN: 9780415792516 List Price: $96.99 As low as: $85.35
Choose Options Research Methods for Political Science (Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Method Approaches) Paperback ISBN: 9780367610784 List Price: $77.99 As low as: $68.63
Choose Options Policy within and Across Developing Nations Paperback ISBN: 9781138327108 List Price: $44.99 As low as: $39.59
Choose Options Mastering The Machine (Poverty, Aid And Technology) - 9780367154745 Paperback ISBN: 9780367154745 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Marketing Madness (A Survival Guide For A Consumer Society) - 9780367158941 Paperback ISBN: 9780367158941 List Price: $55.00 As low as: $48.40
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Choose Options Inequality In Labor Market Areas - 9780367162429 Paperback ISBN: 9780367162429 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Governments And Mining Companies In Developing Countries - 9780367171490 Paperback ISBN: 9780367171490 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Financing Governmental Decentralization (The Case Of Bangladesh) - 9780367162979 Paperback ISBN: 9780367162979 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Family Time (The Social Organization of Care) Paperback ISBN: 9780415310109 List Price: $73.99 As low as: $65.11
Choose Options Faith And Credit (The World Bank's Secular Empire) - 9780367160098 Paperback ISBN: 9780367160098 List Price: $55.00 As low as: $48.40
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Choose Options Economic Adaptation (Alternatives For Nonmetropolitan Areas) - 9780367161095 Paperback ISBN: 9780367161095 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Climate Change And Society (Consequences Of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide) - 9780367168742 Paperback ISBN: 9780367168742 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Building Agricultural Institutions (Transferring The Land-grant Model To India And Nigeria) - 9780367165826 Paperback ISBN: 9780367165826 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Agribusiness And The Small-scale Farmer (A Dynamic Partnership For Development) - 9780367155827 Paperback ISBN: 9780367155827 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
Choose Options Urban Medical Centers (Balancing Academic And Patient Care Functions) Paperback ISBN: 9780367215422 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Choose Options Unemployment, Schooling and Training in Developing Countries (Tanzania, Egypt, the Philippines and Indonesia) - 9780367086558 Paperback ISBN: 9780367086558 List Price: $32.95 As low as: $29.00
Choose Options Unemployment (The European Perspective) - 9780367027360 Paperback ISBN: 9780367027360 List Price: $29.95 As low as: $26.36
Choose Options Understanding the Primary School (A Sociological Analysis) Paperback ISBN: 9781138222762 List Price: $48.95 As low as: $43.08
Choose Options The Third Job (Employed Couples' Management of Household Work Contradictions) Paperback ISBN: 9781138367012 List Price: $44.95 As low as: $39.56
Choose Options Teaching Under Attack Paperback ISBN: 9780415792523 List Price: $32.95 As low as: $29.00
Choose Options Teachers and Classes (A Marxist analysis) Paperback ISBN: 9781138222618 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options The State of the Art in Small Business and Entrepreneurship Paperback ISBN: 9781138367128 List Price: $68.00 As low as: $59.84
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Choose Options The Road to Full Employment - 9780367023577 Paperback ISBN: 9780367023577 List Price: $29.95 As low as: $26.36
Choose Options Production and Cost Functions (Specification, Measurement and Applications) Hardcover ISBN: 9781138716292 List Price: $91.99 As low as: $80.95
Choose Options The Practice of Teaching (A Sociology of Education) Paperback ISBN: 9781138244542 List Price: $49.95 As low as: $43.96
Choose Options The Parochialism of the Present (Contemporary issues in education) Paperback ISBN: 9781138220287 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options Lived Economies of Default (Consumer Credit, Debt Collection and the Capture of Affect) Paperback ISBN: 9780367867225 List Price: $57.99 As low as: $51.03
Choose Options Life in the Classroom and Playground (The Accounts of Primary School Children) Paperback ISBN: 9781138220928 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options Labour Migration (The Internal Geographical Mobility of Labour in the Developed World) - 9780367026233 Paperback ISBN: 9780367026233 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Choose Options Inequality in the Workplace (Underemployment among Mexicans, African Americans, and Whites) - 9780367023836 Paperback ISBN: 9780367023836 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Choose Options Industrialisation, Employment and Income Distribution (A Case Study of Hong Kong) - 9780367086503 Paperback ISBN: 9780367086503 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Choose Options The Impact of Trade on United States Employment - 9780367023683 Paperback ISBN: 9780367023683 List Price: $29.95 As low as: $26.36
Choose Options Equality, Education, and Physical Education Paperback ISBN: 9781138225411 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80
Choose Options An Equal Chance (Equalities and inequalities of educational opportunity) Paperback ISBN: 9781138222366 List Price: $42.95 As low as: $37.80