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Choose Options Design and Technology in the Primary School (Case Studies for Teachers) Hardcover ISBN: 9780415080897 List Price: $66.99 As low as: $58.95
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Choose Options Teaching Science - 9780713040159 Paperback ISBN: 9780713040159 List Price: $56.95 As low as: $50.12
Choose Options Shift to the Future (Rethinking Learning with New Technologies in Education) Paperback ISBN: 9780415953191 List Price: $54.95 As low as: $48.36
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Choose Options Online Learning and Teaching with Technology (Case Studies, Experience and Practice) Paperback ISBN: 9780749435202 List Price: $62.95 As low as: $55.40
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Choose Options Innovating Science Teacher Education (A History and Philosophy of Science Perspective) Paperback ISBN: 9780415882385 List Price: $59.95 As low as: $52.76
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Choose Options Equity and Science Education Reform - 9780805832495 Paperback ISBN: 9780805832495 List Price: $64.95 As low as: $57.16
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Choose Options Design and Technology in the Primary School (Case Studies for Teachers) - 9780415032407 Paperback ISBN: 9780415032407 List Price: $24.95 As low as: $21.96
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Choose Options Ask, Explore, Write! (An Inquiry-Driven Approach to Science and Literacy Learning) - 9780367225131 Paperback ISBN: 9780367225131 List Price: $39.00 As low as: $34.32
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