Pre-Order Now El juego de la atención/ The Attention Game (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788410467026 List Price: $23.95 As low as: $11.98
Pre-Order Now No te comas el coco/ Don't Rack Your Brain (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788419820686 List Price: $21.95 As low as: $10.98
Pre-Order Now En caso de amor/ In the Case of Love (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788426431325 List Price: $21.95 As low as: $10.98
Pre-Order Now Love Life: Eleva tus estándares, encuentra a esa persona y vive feliz (sin impor tar qué) / Love Life (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9786073853170 List Price: $19.95 As low as: $9.98
Pre-Order Now Tu miedo es tu poder: afronta tus miedos y transforma tu vida / Your Own Fear Is You r Power (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788402430311 List Price: $21.95 As low as: $10.98
Pre-Order Now El síndrome de burnout/ Burnout Syndrome (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788419820525 List Price: $22.95 As low as: $11.48
Pre-Order Now Taking Back Desire: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Queerness and Neoliberalism on Screen Paperback ISBN: 9781032863702 List Price: $46.99 As low as: $41.35
Pre-Order Now The Psychology of Skin Bleaching (Motivations, Behavior and Consequences) Paperback ISBN: 9781032974804 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
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Pre-Order Now Understanding Artificial Minds through Human Minds (The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence) Paperback ISBN: 9781032792293 List Price: $26.99 As low as: $23.75
Pre-Order Now Slow Psychiatry (Human Rights and Democratic Mental Health) Hardcover ISBN: 9781032975702 List Price: $68.99 As low as: $60.71
Pre-Order Now Motor Behaviour (Control, Learning and Development) Paperback ISBN: 9781032893679 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Pre-Order Now Giving a Voice to those Living with Locked-In Syndrome (Sharing Feelings, Experiences, Hopes and Expectations) Paperback ISBN: 9781032733531 List Price: $34.99 As low as: $30.79
Pre-Order Now Freud's Principal Case Studies Revisited (Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysts Reconsider the Legacy) Paperback ISBN: 9781032663678 List Price: $46.99 As low as: $41.35
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Pre-Order Now Ethical Issues in Psychology (A Critical Introduction) Paperback ISBN: 9781032774015 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Pre-Order Now Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation (A Practical Guidebook to the Most Effective Strategies) Paperback ISBN: 9781032764337 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Pre-Order Now Evil at Our Table (Inside the Minds of the Monsters Who Live Among Us) Hardcover ISBN: 9780806544359 List Price: $29.00 As low as: $14.50
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Pre-Order Now Shamanism and Psychology in Ancient Greece and India (The Evolution of Psyche) Paperback ISBN: 9781041021094 List Price: $58.99 As low as: $51.91
Pre-Order Now Parar para vivir mejor (To live better - Spanish Edition) (Guía definitiva para liberarte de la ansiedad y del ruido mental (Ultimate guide to free yourself from anxiety and mental noise)) Paperback ISBN: 9788491399803 List Price: $23.99 As low as: $12.23
Pre-Order Now Tu mejor amiga eres tú (Your best friend is you - Spanish Edition) (Cómo aprendí a aceptarme, quererme y dejar de sufrir (How I learned to accept myself, love myself and stop suffering)) Paperback ISBN: 9788410021297 List Price: $23.99 As low as: $12.23
Pre-Order Now El libro que salvará tu relación de pareja ((The book that will save your relationship - Spanish Edition) Evita las discusiones, gestiona los conflictos y mejora la comunicación (Avoid arguments, manage conflicts and im.. Paperback ISBN: 9788491399810 List Price: $23.99 As low as: $12.23
Pre-Order Now Parenting Psychoanalysed (Letters to a Parent) Paperback ISBN: 9781032471976 List Price: $32.99 As low as: $29.03
Pre-Order Now Illustrated Psychometric Forensic Atlas (Perspectives in Criminal and Forensic Psychopathology) Paperback ISBN: 9781032820293 List Price: $84.99 As low as: $74.79
Pre-Order Now Imagining the Post-Covid Workplace (Challenges and Opportunities) Paperback ISBN: 9781032500324 List Price: $51.99 As low as: $45.75
Pre-Order Now Existential Psychoanalysis (A Contemporary Introduction) Paperback ISBN: 9781032977867 List Price: $28.99 As low as: $25.51
Pre-Order Now Cinema and Psyche in Analytical Psychology (Individuation as a Pathway to Love) Paperback ISBN: 9781032899442 List Price: $46.99 As low as: $41.35
Pre-Order Now Philosophy Meets the Infant (How New Research Transforms the Understanding of Human Existence) Paperback ISBN: 9781032895277 List Price: $44.99 As low as: $39.59
Pre-Order Now Efficient Therapy for Specific Client Problems (Making the Most of Every Client Session) Hardcover ISBN: 9781032890210 List Price: $68.99 As low as: $60.71
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Pre-Order Now Springboard (Transform Stress to Work for You) Hardcover ISBN: 9781646871995 List Price: $28.95 As low as: $16.50
Pre-Order Now Anonymous Male (A Life Among Spies) Hardcover ISBN: 9780593597002 List Price: $32.00 As low as: $16.00
Pre-Order Now Primal Intelligence (You Are Smarter Than You Know) Hardcover ISBN: 9780593715307 List Price: $32.00 As low as: $16.00
Pre-Order Now Autoethnography Pedagogy and Practice (Stories of Interdisciplinary Innovation) Paperback ISBN: 9781032692296 List Price: $84.99 As low as: $74.79
Pre-Order Now Body Questions in Practice (Decision Making Through Movement and the Arts) Paperback ISBN: 9781032420448 List Price: $38.99 As low as: $34.31
Choose Options Continual Permutations of Action (Communication and Social Order) Paperback ISBN: 9780202304724 List Price: $49.99 As low as: $43.99
Choose Options Classroom Assessment and Educational Measurement Paperback ISBN: 9781138580053 List Price: $79.95 As low as: $70.36
Choose Options Technology and Testing (Improving Educational and Psychological Measurement) Paperback ISBN: 9780415717168 List Price: $70.99 As low as: $62.47
Choose Options Emergencies in Psychiatry in Low- and Middle-income Countries Paperback ISBN: 9781498767149 List Price: $81.99 As low as: $72.15
Choose Options Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Metal Health Paperback ISBN: 9781857756982 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Choose Options Reimagining Research (Engaging Data, Research, and Program Evaluation in Social Justice Counseling) Paperback ISBN: 9781032050447 List Price: $98.99 As low as: $87.11
Choose Options The Colonization of Black Sexualities (A Clinical Guide to Relearning and Healing) Hardcover ISBN: 9781032233680 List Price: $68.99 As low as: $60.71
Pre-Order Now Campus to Corporate (The Roadmap to Employability) Paperback ISBN: 9781032976464 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Pre-Order Now Key Thinkers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Paperback ISBN: 9781032506340 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Pre-Order Now I Believe in Me, Not OCB! (A Workbook for Addressing Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior in Autism with Functional Behavior-based CBT) Paperback ISBN: 9781032712314 List Price: $29.99 As low as: $26.39
Pre-Order Now Addressing Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior in Autism with Functional Behavior-based CBT (A Clinician's Manual) Paperback ISBN: 9781032712307 List Price: $39.99 As low as: $35.19
Pre-Order Now Atrévete a comerte la vida / Dare to Devour Life (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788425366192 List Price: $22.95 As low as: $11.48
Pre-Order Now El juego de la atención/ The Attention Game (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788410467026 List Price: $23.95 As low as: $11.98
Pre-Order Now No te comas el coco/ Don't Rack Your Brain (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788419820686 List Price: $21.95 As low as: $10.98
Pre-Order Now En caso de amor/ In the Case of Love (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788426431325 List Price: $21.95 As low as: $10.98
Pre-Order Now Love Life: Eleva tus estándares, encuentra a esa persona y vive feliz (sin impor tar qué) / Love Life (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9786073853170 List Price: $19.95 As low as: $9.98
Pre-Order Now Tu miedo es tu poder: afronta tus miedos y transforma tu vida / Your Own Fear Is You r Power (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788402430311 List Price: $21.95 As low as: $10.98
Pre-Order Now El síndrome de burnout/ Burnout Syndrome (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788419820525 List Price: $22.95 As low as: $11.48
Pre-Order Now Taking Back Desire: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Queerness and Neoliberalism on Screen Paperback ISBN: 9781032863702 List Price: $46.99 As low as: $41.35
Pre-Order Now The Psychology of Skin Bleaching (Motivations, Behavior and Consequences) Paperback ISBN: 9781032974804 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
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Pre-Order Now Understanding Artificial Minds through Human Minds (The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence) Paperback ISBN: 9781032792293 List Price: $26.99 As low as: $23.75
Pre-Order Now Slow Psychiatry (Human Rights and Democratic Mental Health) Hardcover ISBN: 9781032975702 List Price: $68.99 As low as: $60.71
Pre-Order Now Motor Behaviour (Control, Learning and Development) Paperback ISBN: 9781032893679 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Pre-Order Now Giving a Voice to those Living with Locked-In Syndrome (Sharing Feelings, Experiences, Hopes and Expectations) Paperback ISBN: 9781032733531 List Price: $34.99 As low as: $30.79
Pre-Order Now Freud's Principal Case Studies Revisited (Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysts Reconsider the Legacy) Paperback ISBN: 9781032663678 List Price: $46.99 As low as: $41.35
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Pre-Order Now Ethical Issues in Psychology (A Critical Introduction) Paperback ISBN: 9781032774015 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Pre-Order Now Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation (A Practical Guidebook to the Most Effective Strategies) Paperback ISBN: 9781032764337 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Pre-Order Now Evil at Our Table (Inside the Minds of the Monsters Who Live Among Us) Hardcover ISBN: 9780806544359 List Price: $29.00 As low as: $14.50
Choose Options Vigor (Neuroeconomics of Movement Control) - 9780262554084 Paperback ISBN: 9780262554084 List Price: $40.00 As low as: $20.00
Pre-Order Now Shamanism and Psychology in Ancient Greece and India (The Evolution of Psyche) Paperback ISBN: 9781041021094 List Price: $58.99 As low as: $51.91
Pre-Order Now Parar para vivir mejor (To live better - Spanish Edition) (Guía definitiva para liberarte de la ansiedad y del ruido mental (Ultimate guide to free yourself from anxiety and mental noise)) Paperback ISBN: 9788491399803 List Price: $23.99 As low as: $12.23
Pre-Order Now Tu mejor amiga eres tú (Your best friend is you - Spanish Edition) (Cómo aprendí a aceptarme, quererme y dejar de sufrir (How I learned to accept myself, love myself and stop suffering)) Paperback ISBN: 9788410021297 List Price: $23.99 As low as: $12.23
Pre-Order Now El libro que salvará tu relación de pareja ((The book that will save your relationship - Spanish Edition) Evita las discusiones, gestiona los conflictos y mejora la comunicación (Avoid arguments, manage conflicts and im.. Paperback ISBN: 9788491399810 List Price: $23.99 As low as: $12.23
Pre-Order Now Parenting Psychoanalysed (Letters to a Parent) Paperback ISBN: 9781032471976 List Price: $32.99 As low as: $29.03
Pre-Order Now Illustrated Psychometric Forensic Atlas (Perspectives in Criminal and Forensic Psychopathology) Paperback ISBN: 9781032820293 List Price: $84.99 As low as: $74.79
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Pre-Order Now Existential Psychoanalysis (A Contemporary Introduction) Paperback ISBN: 9781032977867 List Price: $28.99 As low as: $25.51
Pre-Order Now Cinema and Psyche in Analytical Psychology (Individuation as a Pathway to Love) Paperback ISBN: 9781032899442 List Price: $46.99 As low as: $41.35
Pre-Order Now Philosophy Meets the Infant (How New Research Transforms the Understanding of Human Existence) Paperback ISBN: 9781032895277 List Price: $44.99 As low as: $39.59
Pre-Order Now Efficient Therapy for Specific Client Problems (Making the Most of Every Client Session) Hardcover ISBN: 9781032890210 List Price: $68.99 As low as: $60.71
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Pre-Order Now Springboard (Transform Stress to Work for You) Hardcover ISBN: 9781646871995 List Price: $28.95 As low as: $16.50
Pre-Order Now Anonymous Male (A Life Among Spies) Hardcover ISBN: 9780593597002 List Price: $32.00 As low as: $16.00
Pre-Order Now Primal Intelligence (You Are Smarter Than You Know) Hardcover ISBN: 9780593715307 List Price: $32.00 As low as: $16.00
Pre-Order Now Autoethnography Pedagogy and Practice (Stories of Interdisciplinary Innovation) Paperback ISBN: 9781032692296 List Price: $84.99 As low as: $74.79
Pre-Order Now Body Questions in Practice (Decision Making Through Movement and the Arts) Paperback ISBN: 9781032420448 List Price: $38.99 As low as: $34.31
Choose Options Continual Permutations of Action (Communication and Social Order) Paperback ISBN: 9780202304724 List Price: $49.99 As low as: $43.99
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Choose Options Technology and Testing (Improving Educational and Psychological Measurement) Paperback ISBN: 9780415717168 List Price: $70.99 As low as: $62.47
Choose Options Emergencies in Psychiatry in Low- and Middle-income Countries Paperback ISBN: 9781498767149 List Price: $81.99 As low as: $72.15
Choose Options Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Metal Health Paperback ISBN: 9781857756982 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Choose Options Reimagining Research (Engaging Data, Research, and Program Evaluation in Social Justice Counseling) Paperback ISBN: 9781032050447 List Price: $98.99 As low as: $87.11
Choose Options The Colonization of Black Sexualities (A Clinical Guide to Relearning and Healing) Hardcover ISBN: 9781032233680 List Price: $68.99 As low as: $60.71
Pre-Order Now Campus to Corporate (The Roadmap to Employability) Paperback ISBN: 9781032976464 List Price: $54.99 As low as: $48.39
Pre-Order Now Key Thinkers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Paperback ISBN: 9781032506340 List Price: $48.99 As low as: $43.11
Pre-Order Now I Believe in Me, Not OCB! (A Workbook for Addressing Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior in Autism with Functional Behavior-based CBT) Paperback ISBN: 9781032712314 List Price: $29.99 As low as: $26.39
Pre-Order Now Addressing Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior in Autism with Functional Behavior-based CBT (A Clinician's Manual) Paperback ISBN: 9781032712307 List Price: $39.99 As low as: $35.19
Pre-Order Now Atrévete a comerte la vida / Dare to Devour Life (Spanish Edition) Paperback ISBN: 9788425366192 List Price: $22.95 As low as: $11.48